Recent events added:
Carrick M.C.C. - club practice day - islandmagee
Donemana - 125/quad championship - 2nd last round
Moneyglass - Ulster championship - last round
Desertmartin - 13th October 2007 - 125/quad championship
I only upload a selection of photos to the website now so please e-mail me with your name, number, class and event and i will check my files for suitable photos. For some of the events i have drawn up a list of riders numbers of the photos i have, these can be viewed by clicking 'number list' on the nav bar on the left.
contact me and i will put your photo up when i get a chance...
For printing prices click 'Photo services' on the navagation bar on your left
Note: To access the photo gallerys from recent events click on the Photo gallery link on the navagation bar on your left (below recent events, note: you can only open the gallery when you are under recent events, it's a sub page of recent events)
If you would like to use any of these photos on the likes of a bebo page, you must ask my permission first, and under no circumstances may you remove the watermark from the image.